Your LEI is currently being managed by [current_lou]. Please note that during renewal process your LEI will be transferred to another GLEIF accredited LEI provider.
The LEI has lapsed, and you must conduct an annual renewal with the transfer process.
The LEI code is currently managed by [current_lou]. However, you can transfer it to our partner, Ubisecure Oy (RapidLEI).
The transfer process allows you to switch service providers without incurring additional charges, enabling you to choose the service provider that best suits your requirements in terms of speed or affordability. It is a back-end process that will not modify your LEI code.
The LEI code is currently managed by [current_lou]. However, you can transfer it to our partner, Bloomberg Finance L.P..
The transfer process allows you to switch service providers without incurring additional charges, enabling you to choose the service provider that best suits your requirements in terms of speed or affordability. It is a back-end process that will not modify your LEI code.
Please note that in order to renew your LEI code we need to transfer it under our management first. Please use the LEI transfer form to continue with the LEI renewal.
Your LEI is currently managed by our partner LOU RapidLEI (Ubisecure Oy), but not under our management as a Registration Agent.
We appreciate your interest in our service, but unfortunately, we cannot currently support your entity. To renew your LEI, please contact RapidLEI directly at [email protected] or visit their partner site to find your local partner.
Thank you for understanding!
Dear customer,
You have a valid contract with us for LEI code [lei]. The contract is valid until [paid_until]. This means we will take care of your annual LEI renewals until [paid_until]. You can check your LEI data here: [leicert_link]
If you need to update your LEI details or have any questions, please contact us at [site_email].
Please note that LEI transfer does not include annual renewal, so you have two options to choose from:1. Transfer only: Transfer your active LEI without conducting the annual renewal. 2. Transfer and renew: Transfer your LEI and conduct the annual renewal with the same application.
Do you agree to transfer and renew your LEI?
Read more
Transfer your LEI code under our management and get a free digital LEI certificate (PDF).
Transferring an LEI code is free. LEI transfer is the movement of an LEI code from one LEI manager to another. LEI codes can be transferred to provide clients a choice between service providers. The transfer is a back-end process which does not change the LEI code. The LEI code is universal and globally valid.
If your LEI needs renewing you can transfer and renew your LEI at the same time. You will only need to pay the renewal fee. If you order the LEI renewal for multiple years, you will get the digital LEI certificate for free for the chosen renewal period. Our renewal prices are among the lowest on the market. You can consult the LEI renewal prices
Please note that the hardcopy of the certificate costs extra: ₹499 +18% GST = ₹588.82
Do you wish to save on the LEI certificate and transfer your LEI under our management?
Dear customer, there is a possible duplicate match between your application and Global Legal Entity (GLEIF) database. Please check the information below to confirm if this is your company or not.
Reg nr:
Next renewal date:
In case this is your company information above, click YES to proceed to LEI renewal application. If you are sure this is not your entity, click NO and proceed with new LEI application.